Shaolin App: A Way to Self-Mastery

Shaolin App: A Way to Self-Mastery

The website and their mobile app offer you the opportunity to unleash your Shaolin Spirit & master your life through body, mind and emotions. 

They have an incredible 5003 five-star reviews on Google Play Store (mobile app).

Based out of Europe, the Shifu and his team will deliver a schedule and method to transform yourself.

Endowed with the responsibility to represent over 1500 year old tradition to the modern world, Shaolin Temple's teachings will benefit one and all. No, you don't have to adopt monastic life nor any specific religion nor aspire for monkhood (LOL).

Everything begins with you they specify. Practitioners will benefit beyond physical health and discover their skills are now better equipped with wisdom to achieve their personal and professional goals.

There are six areas from which the teachings of Shaolin are derived. They will help you become the person you want and need to be in this world and for the people you love.

  • Kung Fu: The ancient practice to develop your discipline, willpower and physical strength.
  • Qi gong: The practice to refine your life energy and to develop internal awareness and strength.
  • Meditation: The practice to calm your mind, to develop inner peace and to regain mental clarity.
  • Buddhism: The fundamental study of the self. Discover yourself, your mind and your emotions.
  • Daoism: The study of the human being as part of nature as a whole. Create balance inside and outside.
  • Confucianism: The study of character, virtues and healthy relationships. Bring structure into your life.

Official Website of Shaolin: A Way To Self-Mastery:

As with many distance based learning programs, this one too allows you to refer material at will and a an online community while measuring your syllabus achievements.

The program is designed for a duration of one year. You can start anytime and on your pace. Every month receive practical methods & theoretical knowledge for your self-study. You may even download the curriculum for free to know what exactly you will be expected to learn.


The Shaolin Temple teachings aim to help us become better versions of ourselves.

"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." ~ Buddha
Benefits are many, but here are a few key changes:

  • Build physical resilience
  • Deal with fear and anxiety
  • Develop mental health
  • Gain stability
  • Life Purpose

Do have a look at the trailer of their app released last year.

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Are you a student of Kung-fu or Wushu or TaiChi? Do share your views about online Vs teachings in person. Drop an email to