YouTube restricts teenage access to fitness videos

YouTube has decided to limit recommendations of certain types of health and fitness videos to audiences who are known to be teenagers. These include videos which "idealise" certain body types.

The popular video sharing and v-log platform says these will no longer be offered for teens when they view certain types of content, including:

1. videos that compare physical features and idealises some types over others

2. videos idealising specific fitness levels or body weights

3. videos displaying social aggression in the form of non-contact fights and intimidation

The announcement also says that 13 to 17-year-old users will continue to be able to search for and view fitness-related content - but they will not be encouraged into repeated viewing of similar videos.

You can also read this information and rollout on YouTube's official blog post written by Director of YoutTube Health and Director of  Product Management for YouTube Youth. 


The five principles that YouTube adheres to while building services and features for kids and teens are listed at
and these ensure that their privacy, safety, wellbeing and mental health is at the core of YouTube's work.

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If you are a parent or trainer / sensei to a teenager or young adult, please be sensitive to the social effects of "bodyshaming" and extreme competition or bullying within a learning scenario such as within the dojo or at traditional competitions. Share your concerns or obstacles with us via email to